Code Of Conduct

Copperhaven School Code of Conduct

Our Student Code of Conduct exists to ensure that each student and staff member has access to a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging. The Code of Conduct ensures that our school promotes a culture of wellness that:  

  • Establishes and maintains a welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning environment for all students, staff, families and the greater community;  
  • Establishes and maintains an appropriate balance between individual and collective rights, freedoms, and responsibilities in the school community;  
  • Establishes and publishes expectations for student behaviour while at school, at a school-related activity, or while engaging in an activity that may have an impact on others in the school;  
  • Ensures that healthy environments exist in all schools that are free from fear, discrimination and harassment while promoting inclusive strategies to ensure that every student is treated with respect and dignity. 

As members of the Copperhaven School Community, we are expected to:

  • Be honest above all else
  • Treat others with respect and empathy, in person and online
  • Engage in productive work
  • Maintain a safe and clean environment
  • Share space effectively

In keeping with a commitment to the Alberta Human Rights Act, In Parkland School Division everyone is accepted and experiences a sense of belonging. Every student, no matter their ability, disability, language, cultural background, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity, has meaningful contributions to make. The Division supports the endeavours of staff, students, parents and the community to promote positive student behaviour and conduct throughout our community of schools. 

All stakeholders in the success and well-being of students, and especially the students themselves, are expected to recognize their responsibilities in developing student self-discipline and a culture of wellness.

  1. Students are expected to: 

1.1. Use their abilities and talents to gain maximum learning benefits from their school experiences; 

1.2. Contribute to a climate of mutual trust and respect conducive to effective learning, personal development, and social living; 

1.3. Cooperate fully with everyone authorized by the Board to provide education programs and other services; 

1.4. Comply with the rules of the school; and 

1.4.1. Respect and comply with the rules of any school that the student is visiting; 

1.5. Account to the student’s teachers for the student’s conduct; 

1.6. Attend school regularly and punctually; 

1.7. Choose appropriate behaviours, with full understanding of the consequences that invariably follow their choices; 

1.8. Treat other students and staff with dignity, respect and fairness; 

1.9. Contribute to a learning environment that is free from physical, emotional, and social abuse; 

1.10. Demonstrate, with increasing consistency, the School Code of Conduct; 

1.11. Positively contribute to the student’s school and community and, to the greatest extent possible, to a learning environment that is well-ordered, peaceful, safe, non-threatening, and conducive to learning and optimal growth;

1.12. Refrain from, report and not tolerate bullying or bullying behaviour directed toward others in the school, whether or not it occurs within the school building, during the school day or by electronic means.

  1. Students are accountable for:

2.1. Demonstrating respect for authority; 

2.2. Demonstrating respect for others and their property; 

2.3. Demonstrating respect for school property, equipment and textbooks; and, 

2.4. Demonstrating respect for the diversity of all people.

  1. Students are prohibited from engaging in unacceptable behaviour within the school or on any school or Board-related trips or activities.

Technology Limits

The staff of Copperhaven School have determined that a limit on cell phone use during class time improves focus and learning. At Copperhaven, cell phones are to remain out of sight (in backpacks or lockers) during class time. We also believe that healthy interactions throughout the day—lunch break, recess break—further child development leading to positive relationships. For that purpose cell phone and electronic use during non-instructional time is limited to brief checks of phones for important messages, etc.  Students who choose not to leave their phones away may be asked to deposit their phones in the school “Cell Phone Hotel” (lockable location in the office) where they will be stored until the end of the school day.

Dress Code

We believe that we are preparing our students for the future—high school and the world beyond. In that world, appropriate clothing for the appropriate environment is a life skill. Students are expected to dress appropriately for the school environment. Students will be asked to change clothing if dress is not appropriate—a lot of exposed skin, private parts of the body visible or near visible, low cut tops or clothing that does not permit active participation in all school activities, as examples. Clothing with lettering, logos or images that are suggestive, promote drug use, alcohol use or illegal activity, sexually explicit or implicit language/images etc. are not in keeping with our Code of Conduct and as such are not appropriate for the school environment.

Footwear is mandatory at all times, or as otherwise specified.

Students wearing clothing that is not appropriate for the school environment will be asked to find a solution to remedy the situation. Parents will be notified if an issue persists.


We believe that from time to time students will make mistakes. When these mistakes happen it is important for students to:

  1. Take responsibility for their actions.
  2. Serve any consequences that may be given, which may include but are not limited to:
    • Problem-solving, monitoring or reviewing behaviour expectations with student and reprimand;
    • Parental involvement that may include a Disciplinary Hearing;
    • Referral to provincial attendance board;
    • Temporary removal of privileges or assignment of designated tasks;
    • Detention of student;
    • Implementation of an in-school alternate placement involving an out-of-class learning environment;
    • Behavioural contract with student;
    • Restitution, where the Division may seek restitution for damage to Division property;
    • Suspension from riding the school bus;
    • Suspension from school;
    • Involvement of police;
    • Expulsion from school (by the Board upon recommendation of the Principal); and/or other consequences as determined by administration and as defined in Parkland School Division's Administrative Procedure 360.
  3. Learn from the mistake.
  4. Electronic equipment (iPods, cell phones, cameras, gaming devices, personal devices) will be confiscated when not used in compliance with school behavioural expectations, and placed in the school office for safe storage and pickup at the end of the day.

Parkland School Division Code of Conduct

In Parkland School Division, all members of our school community are expected to promote and demonstrate respect, civility and responsible citizenship.

With these goals in mind, everyone must:

  • Demonstrate honesty and integrity.
  • Respect differences in people, their ideas and their opinions.
  • Acknowledge the right of everyone to be treated with dignity, at all times.
  • Take appropriate measures to help those in need.
  • Use non-violent means to resolve conflict.
  • Honour the role(s) of persons in positions of authority.
  • Show care and regard for school property and the property of others.
  • Comply with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws.

We are all models for the kinds of citizens we desire to be. We teach and learn by example.

The Division’s expectations for conduct are outlined in the following documents: